Mira Rope Access
Winner in:
2021 - Training team of the year 501-1500 WINDA uploads
Highly Commended:
No items found.
Shortlisted for:
2021 - Training team of the year Europe & Africa
finalist in:
Training team of the year - Europe & Africa
Training team of the year - 501-1500 WINDA uploads

Mira Rope Access
Finalist in:
Training team of the year - Europe & Africa
Training team of the year - 501-1500 WINDA uploads

"We consider ourselves very lucky and proud to be one of the finalists in the GWO Safety Awards. We would like to thank GWO very much and take this opportunity to point out the importance of working safely in wind energy."
MIRA isa professional company which provides combined services of all skills ofworking at height and rope access techniques with engineering background andexperiences. MIRA is not only the first GWO training provider in Turkey, but isalso accredited for most of the GWO training modules.
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