Maersk Training Brazil

"We’re back! Congratulations Jorge, Philippe, Thiago, Jeremy, Keila, Patrick and the entire back-office team for making this a reality for the second consecutive year. We take immense pride in our team’s diversity, continuous development, and constant care. Living the values of the Global Wind Organization and Maersk Training at their utmost, for example, including personnel with very special needs to undertake GWO programs in a safe and fair manner. Challenging constantly our approach, has translated to very satisfied course participants and consequently very satisfied customers. We are also grateful for our team’s effort to disseminate knowledge among the Brazilian communities, in and out of the classroom, increasing opportunities to join or develop within the Wind Industry family, and contributing to local social development. Thanks, and congratulations to Maersk Training Brazil colleagues for their dedication to quality safety training, their hard work and consistency in keeping the bar set high. What an achievement, honour, and privilege to be recognized for our work and dedication both from the governing and certification body and very importantly our clients, especially being the only South American Team finalist for Team of the year - Americas!"